Jadwal Ujian Nasional 2015

Jadwal Ujian Nasional 2015

Jadwal Ujian Nasional 2014, Jadwal Ujian Nasional SMP/MTs, SMA/SMK/MA 2014 img
Jadwal Ujian Nasional 2015. Selamat bertemu dengan Sukses Ujian Nasional, pada kesempatan ini Sukses Ujian Nasional akan posting dengan judul "Jadwal Ujian Nasional 2015". Sebagai salah satu langkah strategi untuk mensukseskan Soal Ujian Nasional 2015 tentunya dengan memahami Jadwal Ujian Nasional 2015 sehingga bisa mempersiakannya lebih dini. Ujian Nasional (UN) tahun 2015 akan diawali untuk jenjang SMA/MA, SMK/MAK, dan SMALB pada 13, 14 dan 15 April 2015. Kemudian, disusul UN untuk jenjang SMP/MTs dan SMPLB tanggal 27, 28, 29 dan 30 April 2015.

Jadwal Ujian Nasional 2015 SMP/Mts, SMA/SMK/MA

Jadwal Ujian Nasional 2015

Secara berturut-turut, mata pelajaran umum yang akan diujikan dalam UN yang dimulai tanggal 14 April 2014 adalah Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, dan Bahasa Inggris, serta terakhir mapel IPA untuk SMP/MTs/SMPLB. UN susulan SMA/MA dan SMK/MAK digelar pada 13, 14 dan 15 April 2015, sedangkan UN susulan SMP/MTs/SMPLB digelar tanggal 27, 28, 29 dan 30 April 2015. Namun sampai dengan posting ini POS UN 2015 belum final.

Pemerintah menetapkan ujian nasional (unas) 2015 jenjang SMA/SMK mulai 13 April. Siswa, guru, hingga orang tua diminta mulai mempersiapkan diri.

Untuk jenjang SMA, mata pelajaran (unas) yang di-unas-kan tetap enam mapel di masing-masing jurusan. Unas tetap seperti tahun lalu, berlangsung selama tiga hari (sampai 15 April). Sementara untuk jenjang SMP sederajat, unas rencananya diselenggarakan 27-30 April.

Kepala Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan (Puspendik) Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) Nizam menjelaskan, jadwal pelaksanaan unas itu sudah tertuang dalam prosedur operasional standar (POS) yang dikeluarkan oleh Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP).

"POS itu memang sampai saat ini belum resmi dikeluarkan. Karena ada revisi-revisi," kata Nizam di Jakarta kemarin. Meskipun ada sejumlah revisi, guru besar Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Jogjakarta itu memprediksi revisi tidak akan menyentuh tanggal pelaksanaan unas.

Terkait dengan gonjang-ganjing Kurikulum 2013 (K-13) dan Kurikulum 2006, Nizam menjelaskan, masyarakat tidak perlu risau. Sebab semua siswa SD, SMP, SMA, dan SMK peserta unas, tidak ada satupun yang menjadi sasaran implementasi K-13. Sehingga muatan materi ujiannya, masih sama dengan unas 2014 atau periode sebelumnya.

Selain urusan tanggal penyelenggaraan unas, Nizam juga menjelaskan ada skema baru tender logistik ujian. Lelang logistik unas yang rencananya mulai 15 Januari ini dilaksanakan di tingkat provinsi. Tim panitia pengadaan bahan logistik unas juga sudah dibentuk. Isinya adalah perwakilan dari provinsi-provinsi.

"Jadi Provinsi dapat melakukan pelelangan bahan unas secara sendiri-sendiri. Atau juga gabungan dari beberapa provinsi," katanya. Kemudian perusahaan percetakan yang berminat ikut lelang, boleh melamar di lebih dari satu provinsi. Asalkan disesuaikan dengan kapasitas produksinya.

Meskipun lelang dilaksanakan di tingkat provinsi, pengumuman pendaftaran lelang dibuka secara serentak. Nizam menyebutkan, masa lelang ini diperkirakan berjalan selama satu bulan.

Kemudian proses percetakan naskah unas berjalan satu setengah bulan. Lalu pengiriman naskah hingga ke sekolah, ditargetkan berlangsung selama dua pekan.

Nizam menjelaskan, pelelangan yang ditempatkan di provinsi itu adalah permintaan dari panitia tingkat provinsi sendiri. Kemendikbud intinya berharap proses lelang berlangsung transparan dan anggaran yang dipakai efisien.

Sementara untuk urusan kriteria kelulusan dan nama resmi unas 2015, Nizam mengatakan harus menunggu peraturan resmi dari Mendikbud Anies Baswedan. Rencananya peraturan Mendikbud terkait pelaksanaan uans 2015 keluar Januari ini juga.

Sebagaimana diberitakan Anies menegaskan, Unas 2015 berbeda dengan unas-unas sebelumnya. Diantaranya adalah, unas 2015 hanya dipakai untuk pemetaan. Yakni pemetaan kompetensi siswa, sekolah, hingga pemerintah daerah. Dengan demikian, dominiasi peran unas sebagai penentu kelulusan siswa rencananya mulai dikurangi.

Terkait persiapan siswa, Anies mengatakan para siswa sudah mulai mempersiapkan diri jelang unas. Dia mencontohkan pada anak keduanya, Mikail Azizi Baswedan yang kini duduk di bangku kelas III SMA Labschool Kebayoran.

"Anak saya sekarang mulai di-drill mengerjakan soal-soal ujian. Kasihan juga," kata Anies. Dia berharap siswa di seluruh Indonesia tidak berlebihan menghadapi unas.

Berikut Jadwal Ujian Akhir (UN) Untuk SD SMP SMA Tahun 2015 :
1. Ujian Sekolah/Madrasah (USM) 
2. Ujian Nasional Untuk SMP = 27, 28, 29 dan 30 April 2015
3. Ujian Nasional Untuk SMA = 13, 14 dan 15 April 2015


Keywords : Jadwal Ujian Nasional 2015, Jadwal Ujian Nasional SMP/MTs, SMA/SMK/MA 2015

Luna Atra Amazing Video and wallpaper

Luna Atra

This is a new band, Luna Atra, that we all can expect to go big. This is one of their songs: Easy to hate me, which features on their latest EP launch. With a low budget they made this music video work perfectly and I think it is one of the best songs I heard in a while. It really sticks in your head!!!

Amazing Tinkerbell Wallpapers

Everybody knows that our favorite fairy, is the best friend of the one boy that never grows up.  We all know the magnificent adventures that Peter pan had with Wendy, John and Michel had in the wonderful place called Never land.

Wendy was a young girl that loved telling stories to her 2 younger brothers about a strange boy that fights the  terrible Captain Hook. Peter along with the lost boys made it a daily challenge to play pranks on the evil pirate  A tiny girl called Tinkerbell is the only girl that is allowed in the Lost boy group.

One night Peter missed the mainlands and went back to see what it was like. He found an open window where a girl and two boys were role playing, while the girl told a story about a boy that fought pirates as a game. He followed the right star and straight on till morning. He told the story to the lost boys and went back every night to listen to the girl's stories.

Our favorite fairy got jealous when Peter asked the girl to go with them to Never-land   

peter_pan_hook_ Wendy_and_others_ Tinkerbell_wallpapers

Where did Tinkerbell come from? Was she always with Peter?

It is said that a fairy is from a baby's first laugh. Tinkerbell came to life at the Pixie dust tree in Pixie Hollow. Pixie Hollow is a small place in Never-land where all four the seasons are found net to each other. This magnificent place taught Tinkerbell lots of lessons. 

She made friends with Clank and Bobble, that help her in Tinker Nook. Rosetta the garden fairy that believes that it is her job to bring beauty to the world with all her flowers. Silvermist the water fairy that once tried to teach Tinkerbell to be a Water talent fairy... it did not went very well. Fawn the animal fairy accepted Tinkerbell's help with a runaway bunny, and grabbed her from winter with one of Tink's lost things. Irridessa  is the light fairy that brings a rainbow after every rain storm, that she has in her rainbow tubes. Vidia is the fast flying fairy that tried to break Tinkerbell's spirit by saying that she has the best talent  but became good friends  after a while. Last but not least is Terence the dust keeping fairy, Tinkerbell's best friend that followed her when she needed a friend most. 






The Tinkerbell movies was made after the Peter pan movies. This amazing crew that put together the amazing stories and creating the adventures that Tinkerbell and her friends had, did an excellent job. The four movies and the special of the pixie hollow games were some of the best movies that I have ever seen. 

HD Wallpapers thanks the people that brought Tinkerbell to Life so that she can come and live in every little girl's heart. We hope that you enjoy this amazing selection of Tinkerbell Wallpapers.

The Most Extraordinary Animal Wallpapers

Nature is full of wonderful animals that you do not see everyday.

Life under the sea can set you on a great adventure with only some of the breath taking organisms that live there. HD Wallpapers presents you with a hand picked selection of the most amazing animal Wallpapers. These spectacular animals are the beauty, and grace of nature.

Photographs, and extraordinary animal wallpapers are used to bring nature closer to people that can not see it. To bring joy and happiness to the world with something as simple as a picture of an animal that is not seen everyday.

Our world is filled with spectacular animals, from house pets to under water beauties.As the rulers of our planet, it is our responsibility to protect these amazing animals that make our world beautiful.




apocryphal_ polar is_amazing_animal_wallpapers







school_of _fish_in_a_amazing_animal_wallpaper


spotted_sea_snake_beautiful_animal photo's


the_reflection_under_water_ spectacular under_water_animal_wallpapers




Hope you enjoy all of these handpicked amazing animal wallpapers.

HD Wallpapers 1920x1080 Best Wallpapers Collection

We all seek wallpapers to decorate our technology. Nothing can be more irritating if you see a wallpaper you absolutely love, but find out it's resolution is so low your computer makes it go out of focus.

We understand the frustration and we want to help you by giving you a series of high definition wallpapers you will enjoy and be proud of to put on your wallpaper.

The waves crushing into the land under the setting sun makes for this beautiful wallpaper to one of the most best created wallpapers in history. All the colors blending into a master piece. This is also a high definition wallpaper that will surely bring enlightenment to any day. 

Flames has always been a popular element on wallpapers. This hand is made from fire and will surely light you up and make you feel warm!

We all remember playing mortal combat in the 1990's. It was the best game to enjoy with your friends. Here we see 2 of the old favorites: Scorpio & Sub Zero! Who do you think will win?

This is a beautiful wallpaper of waterfalls that makes you appreciate mother nature just a little bit more!

Animal Digital Art Wallpapers

Using Digital Art to Capture The Animal Spirit

For ages the native american people believed their spirits to be like those of a wolf. People always try to see themselves equal to an animal. Art can be seen over the world in ancient paintings where people compare their spirits to animals. Native Americans had dream catchers with pictures of them with a wolf with them. In old Greek mythology, we can see certain gods being portrayed as half human and half animal.

Since then, people of the modern age have so many opportunities to express themselves visually that the ancient people didn't have. and this brings us to this group of animal wallpapers made by very talented designers to express their spirit as an animal. You will see the wallpapers are brought to life, not just normal photo taken photos. This is true digital art.

Wild Animal Seen In Nature
Leopard in Tree Animal Digital Art Wallpaper

Angry Leopard Hunting For Food
Leopard Stalking Prey Animal Digital Artwork

White Cat Animal Wallpaper

Freedom of a Horse Animal Wallpaper

Spirit of a Parrot Animal Wallpaper

Please let us know what you think of these amazing animal wallpapers and share with your friends. See you all next time!